Public Universities

Nathalie Fortes Pestana (PhD) 2018, (Masters) 2014

Professor Uniararas – SP.


Nilmar Sílvio Moretti, Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo


José Eduardo Baroneza (PhD) 2015, (Masters) 2008

Professor at University of Brasilia


Anelisa Ramão (PhD) 2014, (Masters) 2010

Professor State University of Northern Paraná


Vanina Danuza Toso (PhD) 2014, (Masters) 2010

Professor Federal University of Mato Grosso, UFMT, Sinop campus


Claudia Tavares dos Santos (PhD) 2014, (Masters) 2009

Laboratory Specialist UNESP Araraquara


Jonilson Berlink Lima (PhD) 2013, (Masters) 2009

Professor at the Federal University of Western Bahia


Lucas Anhezini de Araujo (PhD) 2011, (Masters) 2007

Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas, UFAL


Alana Maria Cerqueira de Oliveira (PhD) 2011, (Masters) 2006

Professor at FAMETRO – Faculdade Metropolitana de Manaus


Fernanda Carvalho Humann (PhD) 2011, (Masters) 2006

Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo, Matão campus


Maria Rita de Cássia Campos (PhD) 2011, (Masters) 2000

Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Goiás-UFG


Marcelo Rodrigues Pinto (PhD) 2010, (Masters) 2007

Professor at Uberaba University, UNIUBE


Paula Aboud Barbugli (PhD) 2010, (Masters) 2007

Academic Support Assistant IV at the School of Dentistry of Araraquara UNESP


Nivea Maria Rocha Macedo (PhD) 2010, (Masters) 2005

Professor, Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Federal University of Alagoas /UFAL


Patrícia Andressa de Almeida Buranello (PhD) 2009, (Masters) 2005

Professor at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro, UFTM


Gustavo Olszanski Acrani (PhD) 2009, (Masters) 2004

Professor at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul, UFFS


José Luiz Proença Modena (PhD) 2009, (Masters) 2004

Professor at the State University of Campinas, UNICAMP


Shirlei Octacílio Silva (PhD) 2008, (Masters) 2003

Professor at the Department of Morphology, Center for Biological and Health Sciences, Federal University of Sergipe


Daniel Leite Goes Gitai (PhD) 2007, (Masters) 2002

Professor at the Genetics and Molecular Biology Sector – Federal University of Alagoas/UFAL


Loislene Oliveira Brito (PhD) 2007, (Masters) 2000

Professor at the Federal University of Bahia – UFBA, Barreiras


Ricardo Scher (PhD) 2007, (Masters) 1996

Associate Professor I at the Federal University of Sergipe


Maria Raquel Isnard Moulim (PhD) 2006, (Masters) 1995

Professor at the Federal University of Lavras-UFLA


Francisco Fabio Marques da Silva (PhD) 2005, (Masters) 2001

Professor at the Federal University of Campina Grande, UFCG


Fabio Marcio Squina (PhD) 2005, (Masters) 2001

Professor at the University of Sorocaba (UNISO)


Giuliana Cristina Marre Bruschi Thedei (PhD) 2005, (Masters) 2000

Professor at the University of Uberaba – UNIUBE


Daniel Giuliano Cerri (PhD) 2005, (Masters) 2000

Professor at UNIFEG (University Center of the Educational Foundation of Guaxupé)


Josane de Freitas Sousa (PhD) 2005, (Masters) 1999

Visiting Professor Federal University of Pará


Valeria Valente (PhD) 2005, (Masters) 1999

Professor at the Department of Clinical Analysis, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UNESP/Araraquara


Eneri Vieira de S. L. Mello (PhD) 2005, (Masters) 1995

Associate Professor of Histology at the Department of Morphological Sciences at the State University of Maringá-PR


Elaine Rosely Lepri (PhD) 2005, (Masters) 1984

Full Professor at the State University of Maringá-PR


Gustavo Antonio de Souza (PhD) 2004, (Masters) 2002

Associate Professor at the Instituto do Cérebro – UFRN


Lyris Martins Franco de Godoy (PhD) 2004, (Masters) 2002

Researcher at the Carlos Chagas Institute / Oswaldo Cruz Foundation – PR, Brazil


Luciana Cláudia Herculano Machado-Gitaí (PhD) 2004, (Masters) 1999

Professor at the Center for Biological Sciences, Federal University of Alagoas, Histology and Embryology Sector, UFAL


Rosangela Bruno Lopes (doctorate) 2003

Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ


Ieda Maria Louzada Guedes (PhD) 2003, (Masters) 1998

Prof. From the Federal University of Pará-UFPA


Jesiel Mamedes da Silva (PhD) 2003, (Masters) 1996

Professor at the Center for Biological and Health Sciences, Depto. Morphophysiology of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul


Claudia Helena Pellizzon (PhD) 2002, (Masters) 1996

Professor at the UNESP Biosciences Institute (Botucatu)


Eliana Valéria Patussi (doctorate) 2002, (master’s) 1996

Professor at the State University of Maringá, Center for Biological Sciences, Department of Cell Biology and Genetics-UEM


João Carlos da Silva Bizário (PhD) 2001, (Masters) 1997

Coordinator of the Medical School of the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul\


Marcos Vinicios Salles Dias (PhD) 2011, (Masters) 2006

Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Alfenas


Maria Cristina da Silva Pranchevicius (PhD) 2006, (Masters) 2002

Professor, Medical School Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, SP


Maria Laura Pinto Rodrigues (PhD) 2002, (Masters) 1997

Professor at the Medical School of Triângulo Mineiro, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Discipline of Embryology UFTM-MG




Carlos Antonio Couto Lima (PhD) 2017, (Masters) 2013

Professor at Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE)


Ana Claudia Paiva Alegre Maller (PhD) 2014, (Masters) 2010

Professor at the Assis Gurgacz University Center. Paraná


Devandir Antonio de Souza Junior (PhD) 2011, (Masters) 2007

Professor at Universidade Paulista, UNIP


Juliana Issa Hori (PhD) 2011, (Masters) 2007

Professor at the Estácio University Center of Ribeirão Preto


Daniela Dover de Araújo (PhD) 2010, (Masters) 2003

Academic Dean of the Medicine Course at Centro Universitário Estácio-Uniseb


Liliana Martos Nicoletti (PhD) 2009, (Masters) 2004

Professor of Genetics and Molecular Biology at the Universidade do Oeste Paulista – UNOESTE


Ana Paula Saita (Masters) 2008

Professor at Private College in Birigui – SP


André Oliveira Mota Júnior (PhD) 2008, (Masters) 2006

Professor at Faculdade Pitágoras de Montes Claros – FIP-MOC


Karine Sá Ferreira (Masters) 2005

Professor at the Catholic University of Goiás UCG


Maria Verônica Dávila Pastor (PhD) 2004, (Masters) 1999

PhD Professor at UNIVALI, Itajaí-SC


Sandro José Ribeiro (PhD) 2003, (Masters) 1998

University of the Extreme South of Santa Catarina, Department of Medicine/UNESC





Eliza Vanessa Carneiro Alves Ferreira (PhD) 2015, (Master) 2011

Senior research technician University of York/England


Eulália Maria Lima da Silva (PhD) 2014, (Master) 2010

Postdoc Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Cell Cycle & Cancer Biology Research Program


Tiago Rodrigues Ferreira (PhD) 2014, (Master) 2010

Postdoc Research associate da University of York


Valeria Cintra Barbosa Lorenzi (PhD) 2014, (Master) 2008

Postdoc Weill Cornell Medical College, Department of Biochemistry


Claudia M. M. Marchini Alves (PhD) 2013, (Master) 2008

Postdoc Harvard University


Cleidson de Pádua Alves (PhD) 2011

Researcher, University of Cologne, Germany


Elton José Rosas de Vasconcelos (PhD) 2011

Western University of Health Sciences, California, USA


Marcelo de S. Fernandes Pereira (PhD) 2011, (Master) 2006

Postdoc Ohio State University, OSU – USA


Rogério Gomes dos Santos (PhD) 2007, (Master) 2003

Associate Researcher at Department Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,TN, USA


Helen Cristina Miranda (Master) 2005

Postdoc, University of California




Gabriel Sarti Lopes (PhD) 2017, (Masters) 2013

Biologist, Ourofino Animal Health Company


Carolina Aparecida de Guzzi (PhD) 2016, (Masters) 2003

Researcher at Cristália Produtos Químicos Farmacêuticos LTDA, Cristalia


Cristiano Gonçalves Pereira (PhD) 2014, (Masters) 2010

Level VII researcher at the Technological Innovation Center (NIT) of the Supera Innovation and Technology Park of Ribeirão Preto


Marise Lopes Fermino (doctorate) 2012

Scientific Consultant of Forrest Brasil Tecnologia LTDA


Carolina Gonçalves Santos (PhD) 2012, (Masters) 2008

Researcher at the Consejo Superior do Investigaciones cientificas, Spain


Marina Cavalcanti de Albuquerque da Veiga Conrado (PhD) 2012, (Masters) 2007

biologist at Fundação Pró-Sangue Hemocentro de São Paulo


Lorena Brito de Souza (doctorate) 2011

Scientist at the National Institutes of Health, USA


Vinícius Santana Nunes (PhD) 2011, (Masters) 2007

Coordinator of the Teaching and Research Center of the Evangelical Hospital of Vila Velha, and professor and researcher at Faculdade Multivix


Thaila Fernanda dos Reis (PhD) 2010, (Masters) 2007

Researcher at Microcontrol Innovation Ltda


Rodrigo Orlandini de Castro (PhD) 2010, (Masters) 2006

Researcher at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, USA


Kamila Chagas Peronni (PhD) 2010, (Masters) 2005

Researcher at the Ribeirão Preto Blood Center Foundation, FUNDHERP


Humberto Freire Boncristiani Júnior (PhD) 2007, (Masters) 2003

Research associate in the Bee Research Laboratory, Plant Science Institute, USDA


Roberto Ruller (PhD) 2006, (Masters) 2001

Lead Researcher III at the National Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory (CTBE)


Matheus Silveira Lecci (Masters) 2004

Effective Professor PEB-II of Science in the Government of the State of São Paulo, Brazil


Fabiana Matioli (Masters) 2004

Roche Diagnostics Company as Product Specialist and Purchasing Executive


Camile Pizeta Semighini (Masters) 2003

Pub Med Central Journal employee